Friday 18 July 2008

July WC challenge

Hello, I'm back after some days off.
This evening I wanted to visit a rock concert, but because of bad weather it was cancelled, so it was a 'sunny day' for my paintings. As a good pupil I made a preliminary sketch (which I never did), have chosen the colors before starting to paint (which I never did before as well ;) ) and finally tried to paint the wonderful reference photo from the Wet Canvas July challenge.

Happy weekend everyone.


Teri said...

Jona, it is good to see you painting again. This is really beautiful and peaceful.

Thanks for your visit, I always love hearing from you and was SO excited to hear you sketched in public! GOOD FOR YOU! The more you do it, the easier it is and don't worry about how they look, you notice I have some really bad ones posted but they are such fun I couldn't resist.

You go!

Lin said...

SO SO PRETTy, Jona!!! Sorry that you couldn't make the concert, but I really think you put yoru time to great use!! Keep those paintings comin'!!!

Barby said...

ciao, so che scrivi benissimo italiano per cui ne approfitto!
Intanto belli i tuoi lavori, e volevo ringraziarti per la segnalazione del sito wetcanvas, mi sono appena iscritta รจ bellissimo! ci sei anche tu?

Lin said...

Hi Jona!! I hope you have a fabulous trip!!!!! I'll be in Tuscany this May --- and I can't wait .....!! Send back photos!!!!